The Journal will accept original and innovative submissions in English on understanding that
the work is unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
The Journal publishes reviews, original research papers, short communication and case study
aiming novelty in pharma and health sciences. Manuscripts will be reviewed by specialized
members of the editorial board, whose opinions will be the basis of the final decision will
be made within 2 week by the editor-in-chief. It is recommended for British English check
of the manuscript by a competent and knowledgeable native speaker be completed for easy
understanding before submission. Hence it is advised to all authors for careful construction
and editing, failure to follow them may result in papers being delayed or rejected.
Types Of Manuscripts
• Review Articles
• Original Research Articles
• Short Communications
• Case Study
Review Articles
The purpose of review articles are to aware and provide the latest and
up-to-date knowledge regarding the relevant field. The review language should be clear,
understanding and must be concise and updated, so that non-professional readers can even
easily capture the above. The article should not more than 20 pages double spaced including
tables and figures. The manuscript would be reviewed by editorial office for suitability
followed to expert reviewers before final decision of publication.
Original Research Articles
The manuscript submitted under this category should be clear,
concise, well-organised (not more than 15 pages 1.5 cm line space excluding Abstract, Tables
and Figures) and novelty as per outcome of the research. The experimental work has not
been published anywhere else. The journal does not encourage the fragmentation of original
work to small fragments. Acceptance of the article will be based on originality, investigation
and extend of work. The journal follows strict point on animal and human experimentation.
Whenever such type of experimentation work is carried, corresponding author has to assure
that animals were properly treated and work was conducted by approved animal ethical
committee (Attachment of animal ethical committee report). In case of data reported from
human experimentation, the author must prove assure that the informed consent has been
obtained in written manner and study protocol was carried out under approved ethical
The Manuscript must be in “Times new roman” with 12 size-fonts. Arrange the manuscript
in manner like Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussions,
Conclusion, References, Tables, Figure captions and Figures. The tables and figures must
be cited appropriate place in the article as yellow colour mark. To avoid unnecessary errors
in grammer and construction it’s advised to use “spell check” and “grammer check” in your
Title page
The manuscript should start as title of the article in bold face, Lower case (font size 14),
names of the authors in bold face, Lower case (font size 12) followed by the affiliation
in normal face lower case of all authors. Authors’ affiliation should mark as lowercase
superscript immediately after names. An asterisk (*) must be placed after the corresponding
authors name as superscript with valid email id, fax and telephone number. The title page
must contain a running title (not more than 40 characters) along with declaration of conflict
of interest and source of funding and acknowledgements, if any.
This section should start on a new page after title page. This portion should contain headings
such as objective, experimental approach, findings and discussion and an appropriate
conclusion. Avoid abbreviation, diagram and references in the abstract. Sentences should be
1.5 cm space and should not exceed 250 words.
Author(s) must provide about 4-6 key words which can identify the most important subjects
covered by the paper.
State the brief introduction, objectives of the work and an adequate background must be
provided, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.
Materials And Methods
The section must contain sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced, new methods
or modification of established method already published must be indicated by references.
Results And Discussions
The results should be concisely and clearly presented. Results and discussion portion should
provide the significance and outcome of work. Cite tables and figures at appropriate place in
the text.
Authors must mention the outcome and future prospective of the proposed work but it should
not include any discussion (limit upto 500 words).
Short communication
Short communications can be submitted within the limit of 5 pages. Also the corresponding
author/authors should mention the objective and purpose of the work to be included in this
Case study
The manuscript submitted under this category should not more 8 pages, including figures and
Carefully write the formula especially in superscript and lowerscript. Write valences or ions
in manner such as Ca+2 -2 (+2 -2 as superscript) , SO4 (4 as lowerscript) and Chemical formula such as H2O2 (2 as lowerscript).
Colour artwork (or Figure)
The journal accepts all artwork files in acceptable format only (JPEG, JPG, TIFF) with high
resolution, preferably 300 dpi.
Cite tables at appropriate place in manuscript. Provide foot note below the table body. Avoid
vertical lines.
Figure Captions
Ensure that each figure has separate caption. Supply captions separately, not attached to the
figures and attach after tables. A caption should sufficient to describe the illustration.
Provide references after conclusion portion. Appropriately place and number the references
in order in which they appear in the text should be marked as superscript. The citations of
references are solely the responsibility of corresponding author/authors.
Journal References
Arshady R. Preparation of biodegradable microspheres and microcapsules: Polylactides and
related polyesters. J Controlled Release 1991; 17: 1–22.
Johansen P, Men Y, Merkle HP, Gander B. Revisiting PLA / PLGA microspheres: an
analysis of their potential in parenteral vaccination. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 2000; 50: 129–
Book Reference
H.P. Rang, M. M. Dale, J.M. Ritter and P.K. Moore. Pharmacology, Fifth edition, Churchill
Livingstone; An imprint of Elsevier, India, 2003.
Book Chapters
SJ Phillips, JP Whisnant. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors.
pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven
Press; 1995: 465-78
Web Refernces
Provide full URL address and the date when the reference was last accessed.
Patent Reference
R Jha, R Agarwal, R Singh Raghuvanshi. A stable aspirin tablet and process of preparation
thereof. European Patent EP 2340814 A2, 2011.
Copyright Agreement Form
Upon acceptance or preferably during submission of manuscript the corresponding author/
authors may send scanned signed copyright agreement form through online or by speed
post to editorial office. The form can be downloaded from journal website. Citing the
published copyrighted tables, figures or any information must be accompanied by written
concern from original publisher and author/authors.
The journal also allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions and will retain publishing rights without restrictions (Conditions applied with request).
Waiver Policy
The Journal doesnot ask any charges during submission and processing of manuscript. There is no pay-per-view, pay-per-print fee for the published articles. No editorial/peer review charges are being solicited from the authors. However on accepted article the journal charges a nominal fee of 1200 INR only to maintain and the content available online.
The journal also allow full or partial waiver to the authors and authors from under developed country those are unable to pay due to financial restriction.
Author can ask for waiver scheme at chiefeditorijprhs@gmail.com
Conflict Of Interest
All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest if any,
including any financial or personal in regards with the manuscript.
Gallery Proofs
The corresponding author would receive gallery proof after acceptance of manuscript. It is
the responsibility of corresponding author to return the final corrected manuscript without
being delay.