Open Access Policy:
Open Access publications are more frequently cited due to their high publicity and availability. Hence, our Journal provides free and unlimited access of the publication over the internet without any restrictions. • We are committed for easy availability in search engine and indexing databases. All the articles published in IJPRHS are made freely accessible online immediately after publication in an easily readable format, without any subscription or registration barrier.
• The journal commits to open access policy. It aims to provide and share the current and updated scientific research and knowledge without any financial barrier for everyone, whilst maintaining high value, trustworthy author and reader services which provide and enhance scientific communication and progress of our society.
• The publication is licensed under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-4.0 International CC BY 4.0) www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
• Articles can be shared and adapted, provided the attribution for the work is given.
• The journal also allows the authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles
Peer Review Policy:
• All the manuscripts submitted to IJPRHS will be subjected to double blinded peer review process. This means that the reviewers of the paper won’t get to know the identity of the author(s), and the author(s) won’t get to know the identity of the reviewer.
• During under review the details of manuscript will remain undisclosed and unshared with anyone other than the group of authors of the manuscript, reviewers, publishers and members of editorial-advisory board. Any description about author and his research will not be shared.
• The manuscript will be reviewed by three suitable experts in respective subject area. The reports of all the reviewers will be considered while deciding on acceptance/revision or rejection of a manuscript.
• Editor-In-Chief (EIC) will make the final decision, based on reviewer’s comments.
• EIC can ask the one or more advisory board members for their suggestions upon a manuscript, before making the final decision.
• Associate editor and assistant editors provide the administrative support to maintain the integrity of peer review process.
• EIC have right to cancel the submitted manuscript if the manuscript submitted simultaneously to other journal or under consideration and will be consider under plagiarism.
• The authors have to provide the source of funding, role of each author and other necessary relevant document.
• In case, authors challenge editor's negative decision with suitable arguments, the manuscript can be sent to one more reviewer and the final decision will be made based upon his recommendations.
Copyright Policy:
• It is a legal concept that gives the creator of original work exclusive rights to the work and prevent others from copying the work without proper credit attribution.
• All the articles published in IJPRHS are distributed under a creative commons license. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright of their work. For commercial production the author can inform to EIC for information only.
Author Self-Archiving Policy:
IJPRHS is a Romeo green journal. This means author can archive publisher's version/PDF.
Antiplagiarism Policy:
Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics. It is liable to sanctions like punishments, suspension, and even ejection. It is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work. The journal commits to provide the originality of work by software, especially when there is susceptibility of duplication of work.
Authors ought to guarantee the inventiveness of their substance, while setting up an original copy draft. In the event that the creators have utilized the work or potentially expressions of others this must be suitably referred to or cited. Every one of the articles submitted to IJPRHS might be screened for copyright infringement utilizing iThenticate. On the off chance that, written falsification is identified amid survey/article process, such manuscript(s) will be dismissed instantly. On the off chance that the written falsification is demonstrated after distribution, such manuscript(s) will be withdrawn from the diary and fitting declaration will be put in this respects.
IJPRHS follow malpractice statement adapted and based on guidelines provided by Committee on publication ethics (COPE) (http://publicationethics.org) and International Committee for Medical Journal Editor (ICMJE) http://www.icmje.org/
• Steps for suspected plagiarism in a submitted manuscript (click here)
• Steps for suspected plagiarism in a published manuscript (click here) .