Responsibility of Author
Responsibility of Author:
Authors of original work must present accurate data and information while studying in their work. It is the duty of author to provide the discussion, concept and originality of work. It is expected from authors to provide the relevant work so far published earlier.
During review process it may be asked to provided some additional information such as rawdata, images and videos etc.
Authors sholud ensure the originality of work. Incase, if authors took the help of other work and information proper citation sholud be provided.
The corresponding author is the person who hold the responsibility for all communication. Only the contributors who have made a significant contribution design, execution, interpretation of the reported study, should be titled as author.
It is the responsibility of editorial office (IJPRHS) to check and screen for plagiarism. In case on arrising the duplicacy and plagiarism the manuscript will be rejected immediately, and declaration will be placed. If the plagiarism is proven after publication, such manuscript will be retracted from the journal. Depending on situation and seriousness the information may be shared with the place of work, funding agency and partner.
Authors should provide the proper acknowledgment for their work. It must disclose the financial support, funding agency and conflict of interest while submitting the manuscript.